About Us

Gurukkal Sunil S. Kaimal

Gurukkal straterd training Klaripayattu at the age of 15 under the tutilage of the great legend Malabar P.Vasudevan Gurukkal of CVN Kalari, Kottayam. Malabar P.Vasudevan Gurukkal was a disciple of the late Pathriyil Gopalan Gurukkal who was a desciple of the late veerasree C V Narayanan Nair Gurukkal who popularised this valuable martial art among the public with the blessing of his mentor and guide Kottakkal Kanaran Gurukkal. Gurukkal Sunil S. Kaimal was blessed with the title 'Gurukkal' in the year 1999 by his GURU Malabar P. Vasudevan Gurukkal.

Sun CVN Kalari mainly focuses on Kalari training and Kalari treatment system. Scholars and researchers are always invited to go deep into the treasure-chest of this great martial art.